Think about how much time you spend each day on your mobile device or desktop computer. Your customers are spending the same amount of time. That is why a digital marketing strategy is crucial to your business being successful.
What are the different stages of inbound methodology?
The four stages are Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight. The Attract stage centers around producing valuable content. Once you have a visitor on a website page, you want to Convert them to a lead. The time it takes to move a prospect from Convert to Close depends on...
What are UTM parameters?
UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. UTMs allow you to track ad campaigns’ performances across different platforms. You add UTMs to URLs. The 5 UTM parameters you can add are Source, Medium, Campaign, Term, and Content.
What is a 16:9 ratio for media?
16:9 is today’s standard screen aspect ratio for computers and TVs. It means 16 units wide and 9 units tall. 4:3 ratio was the standard until 16:9 became the standard in 2009. This is why some older shows and movies have a smaller square with black lines on the left...
Do Facebook ads really work?
Facebook can be a very effective way to market your business and products. It has an enormous amount of data on its users such as their likes and interests. We advise adding the Facebook Pixel to your website as soon as possible. The Pixel will help you better target...
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